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Probate and estate administration after death

Understand probate and administration
What is probate?This article explains the meaning of 'probate' and how it works
What happens to our Digital assets and online accounts when we die?This article explores how digital assets and online accounts (including social media) are dealt with on death
Online probate applicationsThis article provided a summary of how to make an application for probate online
Grant of probateThings to consider when making a probate application
How to find a WillLost or missing Wills
What Happens if a Will is Found After Probate?When a grant of probate can be revoked and the consequences of revocation
Discovery of a lost WillWhat to do when you have discovered a lost Will
Disclaimer of a WillHow to refuse a gift made received in a Will
Change a Will after deathDisclaimers and variations of a Will
What happens to your pension if you die?Do pension and life policies form part of your estate?
What happens to debt when you die?Outstanding debts and liabilities deducted from the estate.
Housing Association Property
Partial intestacyA Will can be created where certain clauses remain valid and effective whilst others do not. This article explains further.
Failure of GiftsFailure of gifts where there is an issue with the Will itself, the asset or debts owed by the estate
Appropriation of propertyChange what you inherit from a Will
1975 Act does not allow beneficiary to choose form of giftThis article explores the types of remedy potentially available to a beneficiary when they make a claim under the 1975 Act